Does worry or sadness take up the majority of your day?

Does the emotional toll of worry and sadness weigh you down like a heavy armor and you don’t feel well or carefree? Are you unable to let positive energy in and unable to let go of negative energy because of this armor?

This armor is unfinished business: through psychotherapy, I can help you shed that armor and begin to let healthy emotions and relationships in.

Do you struggle putting up healthy boundaries? I can help you create strong boundaries by assertiveness training and 3 part assertion messages.

Assertiveness can play a large part in people’s happiness or unhappiness. In therapy, I will help you put yourself first=selfcare. Once you become well versed in putting yourself first, then you feel better to help yourself and those you love.

Healthy boundaries through assertiveness training=connecting the dots in your life=positivity turned into action.

I believe good vibes and positive energy is infectious and palpable; so we will practice in a safe place during session, then slowly work to send you into the world with the awesome potential that you behold.

To do so we will work to effectively reduce and remove cognitive distortions and unfinished business and work to make genuine connections with your surroundings then the world via my collaborative, conversational counseling style.